Supporting Landlords to meet EPC targets and improve energy efficency for a brighter future.
All rental properties will need an EPC rating of ‘C’ or above by 2025.
By 2030 all rental properties will need an EPC rating of ‘C’ or above, however, it is likely that this target will be brought forward to 2025. These new regulations will be introduced for new tenancies first, followed by all tenancies from 2028.
Recent research from the Office of national statistics shows that just 12% of homes built before 1900 have a high energy efficiency rating, leaving landlords of these properties with considerable amounts of work to do to meet the new target
Making improvements
Making improvements and ‘retrofitting’ your properties can be expensive. We have worked with a team of experts to develop handy tips on low-cost improvements that you can make to your properties.
A sustainable future
Beyond improving EPC performance there is value in being green. This is both energy-saving and cost-saving, as well as having an impact on the planet. Research shows that landlords that are green are able to save money and attract better-quality tenants who stay in the property for longer.
Even with the best advice, you will need some support. View our recommended suppliers to help get your properties ready.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.